Choir Rehearsal: NO choir rehearsal this Wednesday, July 6!
Bible Study/Adult Education: Thursday, July 7th at 10:00am
Do you know someone who might like to attend Vacation Bible School? Registration forms are now available. We always appreciate more volunteers!!! Questions? Please see Diane Jahnke or Pastor Chrisy.
Prayful Request: As we started in Lent, The Worship Committee is asking that we refrain from applause after the Choir Anthem. You are most welcome to express your appreciation to the Choir after the Worship Service. Thank You.
If anyone would like to be available and assist the property committee in one time projects(faucet replacement, spreading mulch, meeting a repair person, etc.) or ongoing projects(weed control in the stone edging, checking for bees/wasps around the church, etc.) please let a council member or Pr. Chrisy know!
Are you looking for a way to serve your neighbor, your church, and the world? Consider being part of the Stewardship Committee. This committee helps to maintain the Memorial Garden, sends greetings to our college students, hosts various educational events and many other things. Please talk to Pr. Chrisy or another council member if any of this sounds like something you would like to help with.
Save the Dates!!!
August 8th-12th: VBS 2016: Cave Quest; Following Jesus, the Light of the World
September 24th: Time Apart Retreat
Look for more info in your July newsletter about both of these upcoming events.
Please have any items you would like mentioned in the announcements in to the church office by 8:00 am each Thursday. Please email them to
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