New Life Lutheran Church Announcements
July 8, 2018
Weather permitting; our Annual Outdoor Worship service will be next week, July 15. Please dress accordingly, and bring a lawn chair if you would like.
Invite a Friend/Neighbor to church for our Annual Outdoor Worship! We will be singing familiar hymns, everything will be in the bulletin, and we will have the chance to enjoy the beauty and wonder of God’s creation all around us.
Start looking for those school supply sales…The Outreach Committee will soon begin to collect supplies for school kits and health kits. More info soon!
Office Hours: Typically, Pr. Chrisy is in the office Wednesdays 11 am-7 pm & Thursdays 8 am-4 pm. Denise is typically in the office from approx. 11:30 am-4 pm on those same days. Both are available by appointment if you need something outside regular office hours
Have you ever watched the ushers on Sunday morning and thought to yourself ‘That doesn’t look too hard’ or considered volunteering to usher but knew you didn’t want to help at communion? Have you ever looked at the coffee hour treats and considered providing some, but you only like to eat Oreos? Or don’t want to deal with the coffee pots? There is a place for you!!! Please see Sandy K., Shelley C., Lila W., Bruce W., Diane J., or Karen C., for more information.
New Life at the Farm Market: On July 28, and August 25, New Life will set up a table at the ARA Farm Market in Lincoln. Time is 9:00-12:30. The Outreach Committee is coordinating the 3 events as a fundraiser and to bring awareness of our church to the area. Our table will include donations of crafts, baked goods, jams, preserved goods, and other items made by our church community. Two helpers are needed at the table for each event. A sign-up sheet will be available. Donations may be brought to the church on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays. Baked goods can be delivered directly to the market site by 8:30 a.m. on the Saturday or picked up by someone on our team. For more information please contact Lila, Carol, Lois, or Lucia. Thank you for your participation in these events!
Upcoming Events
Wednesdays at 7 pm: Choir Rehearsal
Thursdays at 10 am: Bible Study/Adult Ed
Wednesday, July 11: Constitution Update Group
Thursday, July 12: Outreach Committee
Thursday, July 19: VBS Planning
August 6-10: Vacation Bible School
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