Pastor Chrisy will be on vacation starting Thursday, September 6th through Wednesday, September 12th. In the event of a pastoral care emergency, please contact Pastor Laraine Sundin or Denise at home or leave a message at the church office. Thanks!
G.L.A.D.: Creative people are needed to make six scenes/visuals/layouts for the 2019 Gazebo Lenten Artistic Display. The works will be displayed on the church facing side of the gazebo. Themes will be based on the Gospel Readings for the 2019 Sundays in Lent. The maximum size is 4×8 feet, and the plywood for your display piece can be supplied. To claim your reading or for more information, please see the poster on the bulletin board by the front doors, or speak with Bruce W.
As the school year begins, we hold in our prayers students of all ages, teachers, professors, faculty, staff, school administrators, boards and parents. You are invited to pray the following prayer this week:
Let us pray for all who are beginning a new school year that both students and teachers will be blessed in their academic endeavors…
Almighty God, you give wisdom and knowledge. Grant teachers the gift of joy and insight, and students the gift of diligence and openness, that all may grow in what is good and honest and true.
Support all who teach and all who learn, that together we may know and follow your ways; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Congratulations to Brett W. and Destinee C. on the birth of their daughter, Emilia Dorothy on Sunday, August 12! Aunts Kaylee and Jena, Grandparents Ron and Michele, Great Grandparents Calvin and Marsha are very excited to welcome Emilia to the family.
NO Choir Practice this week!
Have a safe and fun rest of your Labor Day weekend!
Upcoming Events
Thursdays at 10 am: Bible Study/Adult Ed
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