Please stay after worship today and put a few ornaments on the tree! Enjoy a coffee hour goodie too!
Next time you are at Connie’s Café, make sure to thank Connie for her donation of 2 trays of 25 cinnamon rolls for the bazaar! Connie made this donation in the spirit of Giving Tuesday.
Gluten Free Wafers are available for communion. Please let the pastor know that is your preference.
Have we missed your birthday in the newsletter? Please email or leave a note in the office and we will add your birthday to our list!
Community Christmas Caroling: Wednesday, December 19, beginning at 4 pm. The sign-up sheet for caroling in on the bulletin board by the front doors. Please sign up so we know how many carolers we will have and how much food to make for dinner afterwards.
Is your information up to date in our directory? Please check the draft directory on the clipboard in the front center pew! Please add your birth date (month and day) so we can list it in the newsletter!
Book Club members: Please let Barb know if you are able to attend, and don’t forget your appetizer to share and your poem.
Snowbirds: As you leave for warmer climates, please make sure we have your winter mailing address! Email it to us at, leave us a note in the office, or give it to Pr. Chrisy. Thank you!
Do you have any glitzy, sparkly jewelry that you don’t wear anymore and don’t know what to do with? Jean K. is in need of jewelry to make items for the bazaar. Please save your jewelry for when she returns or give it to Pr. Chrisy who will hold on to it until Jean returns in the spring.
A reminder that if Alcona Schools are closed due to weather/road conditions, all events here at church are canceled as well.
Upcoming Events/Meetings
December 9: Tree Decorating
December 9: Church Council following worship
December 12: Book Club
December 12: Midweek Advent Service, 7 pm
December 13: Outreach Meeting, Noon
December 19: Community Caroling, 4 pm
December 24: Christmas Eve Worship, 8 pm
Wednesdays at 7 pm: Choir Rehearsal
Thursdays at 10 am: Bible Study/Adult Ed
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