Please join us for a Candlelight Christmas Eve Service at 8 pm, Monday, December 24. We will have glow sticks available for anyone who doesn’t feel comfortable with a lit candle.
The Office will be closed December 25-January 2. Please contact Pr. Chrisy, Denise, Sandy or Karen directly if you need something.
Pr. Chrisy will be celebrating Christmas with her family Dec 25-Dec 29. She will be reachable by cell phone, email, etc., but may not respond immediately.
No Choir rehearsal December 26! No Bible Study December 27!
Gluten Free Wafers are available for communion. Please let the pastor know that is your preference.
Thanks to everyone who participated in our Community Caroling! Everyone enjoyed the carols. Special thanks to Debbie and Sherry for the delicious homemade pizza, salad, and dessert afterwards!
Snowbirds: As you leave for warmer climates, please make sure we have your winter mailing address! Email it to us at, leave us a note in the office, or give it to Pr. Chrisy. Thank you!
Do you have any glitzy, sparkly jewelry that you don’t wear anymore and don’t know what to do with? Jean K. is in need of jewelry to make items for the bazaar. Please save your jewelry for when she returns or give it to Pr. Chrisy who will hold on to it until Jean returns in the spring.
Thanks to everyone who participated in the Christmas Angel Project! All of the families were very touched by your generosity!
The Outreach Committee is once again accepting donations of plastic grocery bags to be made into “plarn” (plastic yarn) which will then be turned into mats for homeless individuals. Please look for the box labeled “plarn” in the multi use room or speak with Lila W. for more information.
A reminder that if Alcona Schools are closed due to weather/road conditions, all events here at church are canceled as well.
Upcoming Events/Meetings
December 24: Christmas Eve Worship, 8 pm
Wednesdays at 7 pm: Choir Rehearsal
Thursdays at 10 am: Bible Study/Adult Ed
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