Gluten Free Wafers are available for communion. Please let the pastor know that is your preference.
The Outreach Committee thanks you for your generous donations of plastic bags for plarn. The groups that crochet the plarn into mats are taking a break until fall. Please recycle your plastic bags at Meijer or Walmart and we will let you know when we start collecting again.
Please join us this Wednesday, March 13 for a potluck meal at 6 pm followed by Midweek Lenten Activities at 7 pm.
A reminder that if Alcona Schools are closed due to weather/road conditions, all events here at church are canceled as well.
Did anyone find a package from CM Almy here at the church in the end of January? We are missing a candle wick order from that company. Maybe you saw the church mailbox was open and put the mail in your car and forgot you picked it up… Please talk to Pr. Chrisy or Jerry M., if you know where it is and or leave the package in the church office. Thanks!
Thank you to everyone who has volunteered as ushers, readers, coffee hour hosts, and Sunday School teachers! We really appreciate it! If you would like to serve the Lord and help at New Life in any of those ways, please see the sheet above the drinking fountain by the bathrooms. If you have any questions about any of those tasks, please see Sandy K., Shelley C., Lila W., Bruce W., Diane J., or Karen C., for more information.
Please remember to tell Pr. Chrisy if you are having surgery, are hospitalized, ill, or simply want a visit. The hospital will not contact her, and with everyone’s busy schedules she may have stopped by your house, only to find no one home.
Please send announcements to or leave a note in the church office by Thursday at 9 am to be included in the weekly bulletin. Thanks!!
Upcoming Events/Meetings
Church Council: Today following worship
Outreach Committee: Thursday 3/14 at noon
Wednesdays at 7 pm: Choir Rehearsal
Thursdays at 10 am: Bible Study/Adult Ed
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