Gluten Free Wafers are available for communion. Please let the pastor know that is your preference.
The Outreach Committee continues to collect plastic grocery bags to make into “plarn”. Please look for the large cardboard box in the multi use room, by the church office to leave your bags. Thank you!
Name Tags: Please remember to wear your name tags. Many of us have a harder time remembering names than we used to! If you are in need of a name tag, please leave that information on the Church Secretary Desk.
Do we have any upcoming High School graduates or other college graduates we should be aware of? Please let Pr. Chrisy know!
Please bring in your Piggy Banks to help support our efforts to raise money for ELCA World Hunger within the next few weeks! If your piggy bank is full, please put it underneath the altar, in the offering plate, or give it to Lila Will.
Congratulations to Olivia Cordes! Olivia graduated from Michigan Technological University with a Bachelor in Chemical Engineering degree last weekend! We are all very proud of you and your accomplishments!! We can’t wait to see where life takes you next!
New Life now has an Amazon Smile account! Do you buy anything on Amazon? You now have the opportunity to donate .05% of your purchases to New Life. Look up New Life Lutheran Chapel at and select the church as your amazon smile charity. Look for more information in the May/June newsletter!]
Please send announcements to or leave a note in the church office by Thursday at 8 am to be included in the weekly bulletin. Thanks!
Upcoming Events/Meetings
May 15: Book Club
May 16-18: Synod Assembly
May 19: Church Council Meeting
May 25: South
Shore FD Craft and Second Hand Sale
TBD, but soon: Church Cleanup Day
Wednesdays at 7 pm: Choir Rehearsal
Thursdays at 10 am: Bible Study/Adult Ed
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