Gluten Free Wafers are available for communion. Please let the pastor know that is your preference.
The Outreach Committee thanks you for your continued donations to the Little Free Food Pantry and Library. Currently, popular items include canned meat, breakfast foods, Spaghettios type products, fruit, and microwave and eat type of meals!
Name Tags: Please remember to wear your name tags. Many of us have a harder time remembering names than we used to! If you are in need of a name tag, please leave that information on the Church Secretary’s Desk.
Summer Choir Rehearsal Schedule: July 17, July 31, August 21
New Life now has an Amazon Smile account! Do you buy anything on Amazon? You now have the opportunity to donate .05% of your purchases to New Life. Look up New Life Lutheran Chapel at and select the church as your amazon smile charity.
Vacation Bible School will be here before we know it! Roar VBS will take place August 5-9, 2019. If you would like more information and might like to volunteer to help out, please speak with Diane Jahnke!
Congratulations to Rob and Carla Hanna, who were married here at New Life on July 3! Your prayers for a lifetime of love and happiness are appreciated.
Congratulations to Zach Stephenson on being named to Alcona High School’s Principals Honor Roll!
Congratulations to Braylin Roe on being names to Alcona High School’s Honor Roll
Congratulations to Mary Dunckel on being named Rotarian of the year by the Alpena Rotary Club!
Summer Office Hours: Beginning Wednesday, July 10, please note that the office hours will be approximately noon to 5 on non-choir rehearsal evenings, and noon to 7 on choir rehearsal evenings. Thursday office hours remain 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Upcoming Events/Meetings
July 11: Bible Study, Outreach and VBS Planning Mtgs
July 14: Church Council Meeting
July 28: Friends and Neighbors Sunday
August 5-9: Vacation Bible School
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