Gluten Free Wafers are available for communion. Please let the pastor know that is your preference.
School Kits and Health Kits! It’s that time of year again, and we are now collecting items for School Kits and Health Kits that will be sent throughout the US and he world. Lists of needed items are on the giving table by the mailboxes. We hope to have 60 School kits and 20 Health kits. Thank you for your support!
The Outreach Committee thanks you for your continued donations to the Little Free Food Pantry and Library. Please feel free to continue to place donations in the pantry or on the kitchen.
Summer Choir Rehearsal Schedule: August 21
Name Tags: Please remember to wear your name tags. Many of us have a harder time remembering names than we used to! If you are in need of a name tag, please leave that information on the Church Secretary’s Desk.
New Life now has an Amazon Smile account! Do you buy anything on Amazon? You now have the opportunity to donate .05% of your purchases to New Life. Look up New Life Lutheran Chapel at and select the church as your amazon smile charity.
Vacation Bible School August 5-9, 2019. SETUP is today. If you could stay for a few moments and lend a hand, it would be great appreciated! Please see Sherry MacNeill or Carolyn Maas with questions about snack doantions. Volunteers and still needed and welcome! Please speak with Diane Jahnke
VBS Office Hours: Office hours this week will vary and be limited, due to VBS activities. Please speak with Pr. Chrisy or Denise if you need a specific appointment. Your flexibility is appreciated!
Upcoming Events/Meetings
August 5-9: Vacation Bible School
August 11: Council Meeting following worship
August 15: Outreach Committee Meeting
August 17: SSFD Pancake Breakfast
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