All are welcome at the Lord’s Table for Communion!
Both wine(dark red) and grape juice(gold)are available to intinct(dip)your communion wafer in. Gluten free communion wafers are also available.
The Adult Ed/Bible Study group is beginning an overview study of the bible in its entirety next week! We would love to have you join us! Thursdays at 10 am!
The Outreach Committee is collecting mittens for Elementary School Children for the month of September. They may be knitted, crocheted, sewn or store purchased. Thank you for helping keep hands warm this coming winter season!!
We still have a variety of dishes that need to go home! Claim yours from the kitchen serving window counter.
The Outreach Committee thanks you for your continued donations to the Little Free Food Pantry and Library. Please feel free to continue to place donations in the pantry or on the kitchen.
The Property and Stewardship Committees would like to thank everyone who had worked on helping spruce up the Memorial Garden and New Life sign by the road. It is greatly appreciated. If you see any weeds that need to be pulled, please feel free to do so! Thank you!
The Annual Meeting is scheduled for October 20th, (today) following worship. Agenda items include review of annual reports, review and vote on allocation of bazaar proceeds, election of officers, review and vote on the 2020 Budget. Please plan on attending
If anyone is able to stay for a few minutes after the annual meeting to help move a few things into the multiuse room in preparation for this week’s carpet cleaning that would be very helpful, thanks!
Do you have anything you would like in the printed announcements? Please email any items to by 9 am on Thursdays.
Upcoming Events/Meetings
Wednesdays at 7 pm: Choir Practice
Thursdays at 10 am: Adult Ed/Bible Study
October 22: Outreach Sewing Day
October 24: Education Committee Meeting @ 11:45am
October 24: Sanctuary Carpet Cleaning
October 29: Card Making Work Bee at Kindt’s
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