Announcements for 12-8-19

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All are welcome at the Lord’s Table for Communion!

Both wine(dark red) and grape juice(gold)are available to intinct(dip)your communion wafer in.  Gluten free communion wafers are also available. 

Please join us for our Midweek Advent Potluck and Worship this Wednesday, December 11. It will be a wonderful way to take a break from last minute Bazaar preparation.  Potluck at 6, Holden Evening Prayer at 7.

There are a multitude of Thrivent “Live Generously” shirts of all sizes available in the multi-use room!  Please feel free to take some for yourself and your friends.  Next year’s shirt color is a red/rose tone.

Thanks to Mark Cordes and Mike Adams for setting up the Christmas Tree as well as stringing the lights.

The Outreach Committee is collecting mittens for Elementary School Children.  They may be knitted, crocheted, sewn or store purchased.  Thank you for helping keep hands warm this coming winter season!!

The Outreach Committee thanks you for your continued donations to the Little Free Food Pantry and Library.  Due to freezing temperatures, canned goods are on the cart in the kitchen and available when the church is open.  Dry goods(pasta, cereal, oatmeal, etc)will still be in the pantry along with Hormel microwavable meals and anything that can be frozen 24/7.

A huge thanks to everyone for: helping set up, making items, helping at work bees, greeting our guests and making them feel welcome, answering questions, distributing fliers, putting up/taking down signs, resetting the church, working the day itself, praying for and thinking good thoughts in general, and all the myriad of things that go along with holding our annual bazaar!  Your help is greatly appreciated and we cannot say thank you enough!  Special thanks to Carol Winslow and Harriet Weber, our Bazaar chairs this year!

Do you have anything you would like in the printed announcements?  Please email any items to by 8 am on Thursdays.

Upcoming Events/Meetings

Wednesdays at 7 pm:  Choir Practice

Thursdays at 10 am: Adult Ed/Bible Study

December 8:  Church Council

December 11: Midweek Advent Potluck @6, worship @7

December 12:  Outreach Committee

December 18: Community Caroling

December 24:  Christmas Eve Service 8 pm

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