All are welcome at the Lord’s Table for Communion!
Both wine(dark red) and grape juice(gold)are available to intinct(dip)your communion wafer in. Gluten free communion wafers are also available.
The Outreach Committee thanks you for your continued donations to the Little Free Food Pantry and Library. Due to freezing temperatures, canned goods are on the cart in the kitchen and available when the church is open. Dry goods(pasta, cereal, oatmeal, etc)will still be in the pantry along with Hormel microwavable meals and anything that can be frozen 24/7.
Volunteers to help with Sunday morning activities are needed! We are in need of Lectors (Readers), Ushers, Coffee Hour hosts, and Sunday School Teachers. Signup sheets are located on the bulletin board above the drinking fountain. Thank you!
Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration, Monday, January 20 Documentary Film “I Am Not Your Negro” explores the history of racism in the United States. Matt Dunckel will head a discussion for his class along with community members. The public is invited to view the film and participate in the discussion. 2:30-4:30 pm, CTR 106 at Alpena Community College (across from Granum Theatre) Chili Supper, Monday January 20, 5-6:15 pm Lumberjack Shack at Alpena Community College. Proceeds benefit “Wash Your Coat,” a project for our community that provides laundromat service to those in need. Adults $8, Students $4
Do you have anything you would like in the printed announcements? Please email any items to by 8 am on Thursdays.
Upcoming Events/Meetings
Wednesdays at 7 pm: Choir Practice
Thursdays at 10 am: Adult Ed/Bible Study
January 19, Council Meeting(Today)
January 20: MLK, Jr. Event Film at ACC, 2:30 pm and Chili Supper, 5-6:15 pm
February 1: Potato Pancake Dinner at St. Matthew,
Herron. 1-6 pm. $8 for Adults, $5 for children 5-12 February 26: Ash Wednesday
Marlene Hawes
Please add me to email list for updates and information.
Thank you.
Christina Bright
Hi Marlene,
Hope you are having a good week! I just added you to the email list.
Pr. Chrisy