All are welcome at the Lord’s Table for Holy Communion. We have both wine and grape juice. The wine is red in color and the juice is gold. Gluten free wafers are available, just ask.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO: Lois Marshall June 16th, Pastor Chrisy June 17th, Mark Behmer June 23rd, Elaine Weber June 26th
If we have missed your birthday, or have listed the wrong date please contact us at with any changes.
Sewing Circle: Sewing Tuesday June 6th, we look forward to having you join us.
Bible Study: Please join us for Bible Study Thursday June 8th, at 10:00am
Choir Rehearsal: Choir Rehearsal will be Wednesdays at 7:00pm
Giving Table: The Outreach Committee is collecting paper products for Sunrise Mission, throughout the month of June. They are in need of paper towels, napkins, toilet paper, Kleenex and Disinfectant wipes.
Thanks to everyone who donated items for Lydia’s Gate!
Finance Committee Meeting: Tuesday June 11:30am.
You are invited to wish Pastor Chrisy the Best as she moves onto her new call as Assistant to Bishop Satterlee. A Reception will immediately follow Worship Service, Sunday June 11th. .
It’s time for a new Pictorial Directory! Our dates of photography are July 25th and July 26th. We will have sign up tables on Sunday June 18, June 25, July 2, July 9, July 16 and July 23! Just for participating you will receive a complimentary 8 x 10 portrait, and a church directory. This opportunity is not limited to congregation members, so be sure to let your families and friends know that they are welcome to have their photos taken!
If you would like to help at the Sign Up tables on any of the above dates, or if you would like to help with Sign In on the dates of photography, please contact Denise or Mary Gillies.
“What is your favorite Bible Story”
Thank you everyone for your continued offerings to help support the work of the church.
Please have announcements in to the office by 8 am on Wednesday. Email them to or call 989-736-7816.
In Person Worship and Live Stream
Schedule (YT is YouTube)
Sun, June 4th: YT/In person Worship 9:30 am
Sunday, June 11th: YT/In person Worship 9:30 am
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