Please pray for Our Congregation, Our Community, and the World at Large.
Please email the Church Office with any new Prayer Requests-
We are honored to pray for your loved ones and friends for as long as necessary. Please keep the office up to date on thestatus of your prayer requests.
All are welcome at the Lord’s Table for Holy Communion. We have both wine and grape juice. The wine is red in color and the juice is gold. Gluten-free wafers are available; just ask.
Where have you experienced the presence of Jesus in your life outside the church?
Thank You Pastor Gene Bacon for leading us in Worship this morning.
Thank you everyone for your continued offerings to help support the work of the church.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO: Prentice Charobee November 17
Christmas Bazaar Work Bee:
Tetrazzini Work Bee-Wednesday November 13 at 9:00am
Quiche Work Bee- Monday November 18 at 9:00am
Choir Rehearsal: Choir Rehearsal Wednesday at 7:00pm
Sewing Group: Sewing Group meets Tuesday afternoons at 12:00pm, feel free to bring a bag lunch!!
Adult Education: Adult Education meets Thursday morning at 10. We are discussing the book “Behind Good and Evil” by Scott Gustafson.
Church Council Meeting: Following Worship this morning
Outreach Committee Meeting: Thursday November 14 at 12:00pm
Finance Committee Meeting: Sunday November 17 following Worship Service
Book Club: Wednesday November 20 at 12:00pm at the home of Sandy Kindt
Call Committee Info: Please talk to the Call Committee Chairperson Kathleen Dunckel if you have any questions or concerns about the Call Process. Her phone number is 989-464-2685 and email is
Prayer for and of the members of New Life: Loving God, be with us and guide us during this time of discernment. Fill our leaders, especially the Call Committee, with your wisdom. Lead us and guide us O Lord to be about the work of your kingdom even as the search for a new pastor continues. Bless all who have taken on extra responsibility and fill them with a sense of your love and presence. Guide those who are discerning their calls in ministry and put a “fire in their bellies” that one may be led to New Life. We pray in your Son’s name Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Won’t you please consider volunteering!
There is also a need for Ushers, Readers, and Coffee Hour Hosts, please see the sign-up sheets located above the water fountain-Thanks!
New Life is in need of volunteers who would be interested in learning how to run the Audio Visual system. Please feel free to join Mary any Sunday in the A/V room
We are in need of a Stewardship Committee Chairperson for the 2025/2026 Council Term, if you would be interested, or if you would like additional information please contact Council President Mark Behmer-Thank You
Please have announcements to the office by 8:00am each Wednesday. Email them to either or or call 989-736-7816 and leave a message.
To view Sunday and special services on YouTube, google
Church Website:
Church Facebook: New Life Lutheran of Alcona County
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