Sunday School

Sunday School is offered during Sunday worship. Children are invited to go to Sunday School following Children’s Sermon time with Pastor Chrisy and return to worship in time for communion.


Confirmation is offered for anyone, but primarily for youth grades 7-9. The class typically meets during the school year, 2-3 times a month, with Pastor Chrisy for an hour immediately following worship. A two-day Confirmation Retreat is scheduled during the summer months, when schedules permit. Topics include, but are not limited to: Lutheran History; Biblical Basics; The Sacraments; Creeds, Commandments, and Prayers; and Having Faith/Being Christian in the Real World.


Youth Group

Our Youth Group Activities vary by what the interests of the group are and by how many of the youth are actually able to be involved. If there is enough interest, we usually try to do a Ski Trip in the winter, several lock-ins during the year, and various community service projects. We also try to attend sporting events, concerts and various other things that our youth are involved in. Our big event in Summer 2015 was attending the ELCA National Youth Gathering in Detroit.



Pictured here is one of our VBS classes at Trivia time.

Vacation Bible School is offered the second full week of August, every year. We welcome children aged preschool through 6th grade. We are already looking ahead to 2016 so mark your calendars for August 8-12th for VBS!