All are welcome at the Lord’s Table for Holy Communion. We have both wine and grape juice. The wine is red in color and the juice is gold. Gluten free wafers are available, just ask.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO: Capri on July 11, Bob L. on July 12, Denny S. on July 14, Dan L on July 17, and Harlee on July 20.
If we have missed your birthday or have the wrong date, please contact with any changes.
Bible Study: Thursdays at 10 am. You are all welcome to join us!
Outreach Committee: The Outreach Committee meeting Thursday July 14th at 12:00pm
Council Meeting: Today following worship(July 10). All are welcome to attend
Wanted: Ushers/Greeters, Readers, and Communion Assistants. Signups for readers and ushers are on the bulletin board above the drinking fountain by the restrooms.
Sunday School Teachers: Won’t you Please consider signing up to be a School Teachers this summer! Materials will be prepared and provided. Class times of 20 min or so involves reading a bible story while the children color a related picture or work on a puzzle, please see the sign-up sheets located above the water fountain by the restrooms.
Christmas Bazaar 2022! We are very excited to announce that we will be holding our Christmas Bazaar! Looking for one or a few people willing to Chair this event! You will have lots of helpers and many supporters! If you are interested please see Lila W., Carol W. or any Church Council Member.
Thank you everyone for your continued financial support of New Life in these difficult times!! Your support allows us to not only keep the lights on, but to continue to share the good news of God’s love, peace, and mercy for the world.
Newsletters: July Newsletters are in your mailboxes, they have also been emailed out to the congregation. If you would like to only receive a copy by email, please let the Church office know. Thanks
VBS!!!! Its . Time . For. VBS! Mark your calendars!! August 2, 4, 9, 11, 16, & 18 from 5:30pm – 8:00pm. Welcome to “Jerusalem Marketplace” where we will step back in time to where Jesus walked to the Cross! Smell the fresh, warm bread (taste it too!); maybe weave a basket or make a clay pot… and hear the music echoing through the Marketplace. At Jerusalem Marketplace we will engage all our senses as we experience a different time — as we continue to learn about Jesus who loves and walks with us today!! p.s. VBS is not just for kids anymore! All ages are welcome and encouraged!!
Please have announcements in to the office by 8 am on Wednesday. Email them to or call
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