Announcements for the week of September 4, 2016

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Choir Rehearsal:  7 pm Wednesday, September 7th!

Bible Study/Adult Ed:   Thursday, September  8th  at 10 am.  We are finishing up the Animate series and will begin a study of Romans in October.  Please join us

God’s Work, Our Hands Sunday is next Sunday, September 11.  If you have a GWOH T-shirt, feel free to wear it to church.  If you would like a t-shirt, there is an order form on the supply closet door.

School Kits and Health Kits

Thanks for all of your donations so far!  We are still collecting the needed items so please continue to bring them in.  If you don’t like to shop we have people willing to do it for you. Give donations to Lois Marshall or Joyce Lee.

Thank you for your generosity during coffee hour through September 11!  All donations will go to the South Shore Fire Department.  Barring an emergency call, we hope to have members of the department and a fire truck here next Sunday!–The Outreach Committee


Property Committee Needs for the month of September 

  • Weed/Grass removal in the stones by the main sanctuary entrance/large planter
  • Assessment of landscaping around Gazebo

Please let Pr. Chrisy or any council member know if you would like to help with these specific projects!  Thank you!

Many, many thanks to everyone helping out with the property needs who are already hard at work!!


Time Apart Retreat September 24th: Please see Lucia Behmer or email or call the church office 989-736-7816.  if you are interested in signing up for this upcoming retreat!!!


NEW sign up sheets for Sunday morning volunteers are located above the drinking fountain.  Please stop by and see where you can help.

Please have any items you would like mentioned in the announcements in to the church office by 8:00 am each Thursday.  Please email them to

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