Choir Rehearsal: 7 pm, Wednesday, October 26th!
Bible Study/Adult Ed: 10 am, Thursday, October 27th
Thanks for everything everyone did to help out with the memorial service and luncheon for Layne Barraco. It is greatly appreciated.
Annual Meeting TODAY!! Sunday, October 23rd following worship. Please plan to stay for this meeting. Agenda items include election of council members, review of reports, review and vote on the 2017 budget, discussion and vote on Bazaar Funds reallocation, and various other items to help continue to ministry of New Life.
Winter Addresses: As our snowbirds begin their migration south, please make sure the church office has your winter address and/or phone number so we can keep in contact over the winter. Email them to or leave a note in the office. Thanks.
Property Committee Needs for the month of October
- Assessment of landscaping around Gazebo
- Circuit Breaker Panel labeling for older part of the church
- Organization of furnace room on the west side of the basement
- Ceiling Tile replacement in both bathrooms near front entrance
We enthusiastically welcome to opportunity to again help CHRISTMAS ANGEL FAMILIES. If you know of a family in our area who needs extra support during the holidays, please put the written request on the church office desk or send an email to You may also give the information to Pastor Chrisy or Jean Stewart. Thank you!
Pr. Chrisy will be gone on her last vacation Sunday, next week, Oct 30. For the period of mid afternoon on Thursday, Oct 27 through mid afternoon, Monday, Oct 31, please contact Pr. Laraine at 989-464-4925 if you are in need of emergency pastoral care.
Please have any items you would like mentioned in the announcements for next week in to the church office by 8:00 am Thursday. Please email them to
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