Altar Flowers are given to the Glory of God by the Dunckel Family in honor of Marion’s 90th Birthday!
Finance Committee Meeting, TODAY after worship. All are welcome!
Midweek Lenten Worship: Wednesday, March 22, 2017. Please join us for a potluck and worship service with our brothers and sisters from Trinity Lutheran. Potluck at 6, and worship at 7. This week’s theme will be the Lord’s Prayer.
Choir Rehearsal: Please join us at choir practice on Wednesday, March 22 after worship.
Bible Study/Adult Ed: When God Speaks through you , How Faith Convictions Shape Preaching and Mission at 10 am on Thursday, March 22. All are welcome, anytime!
Giving Table Collection: We are now collecting items such as dish soap, laundry detergent, toilet paper, etc. for distribution at the Sunrise Community Food Pantry
While our Property Chair is in a warmer climate for the winter, please mention property issues to Clarie Kindt, Mark Cordes or Pr. Chrisy. Thanks!
NEW LIFE TREE: For your convenience today, the Template, Guidelines and the Engraving Ordering Forms are available in the Narthex with a member of the Stewardship Committee in attendance to assist you. After today, the TREE information again will be located in the Multipurpose Room.
Directory Updates: Renée Desilets has a new email address: Shirley Stineman has a new mailing address and phone number: 100 Village Blvd, #209, Alpena MI 49707 and 989-340-2171. George and Gail Barr have a new winter mailing address: 5923 Sunnyslope Dr., Naples, FL 34119.
Winter Weather: If the weather is questionable, please use your best judgement before venturing out. Every effort will be made to contact you if we cancel worship. ALL activities are canceled if Alcona Schools close due to road conditions and weather. If you have any questions, please contact Pr. Chrisy, Sandy Kindt, Karen Cordes, Denise Palmer or Ron Ott as they will be the first to know about closures. Thank you!
Please have any items you would like mentioned in the announcements in to the church office by 8 am Thursday. Please email them to Thank you.
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