Gluten Free Wafers are available for communion. Please let the pastor know that is your preference.
Choir Rehearsal: No Choir Practice Wed, Dec 6th
Bible Study/Adult Ed: Thursday, Dec 7 at 10 am.
If you are planning on picking up some items to donate the Little Free Food Pantry…Canned goods are acceptable, but will be housed in the kitchen and available to people in need Wed and Thurs each week. Dry goods, and food other than canned will be in the pantry and available 24/7. This is being done for food safety and food quality reasons in the winter months.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, for any and all help for the Christmas Bazaar! We are very appreciative of all your help and support. –Carol W.
Christmas Caroling: Wednesday, Dec 20 beginning at 4 pm. Look for signup sheets to help bring a little Christmas spirit to our members and friends. We will once again be caroling in two different groups, and meeting at the church for supper. Please sign up if you think you can participate so we know how many to plan supper for. See Sandy K. or Shelley C. with questions or concerns.
Save the Date!
December 3: Celebration for Pr. Laraine as she completes her ministry at Trinity. 2-4 pm, Barton City VFW
December 3: TBAC Community Chorus Christmas Concert 4:30 pm Alpena UMC
December 3: Super Moon gathering at The Weber’s
December 10: Tree Decorating
December 13: Potluck and Holden Evening Prayer
December 20: Caroling at Supper
December 24: Christmas Eve One service at 8 pm!
Please have any items you would like mentioned in the announcements in to the church office by 8 am Thursday. Please email them to Thank you.
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