Gluten Free Wafers are available for communion. Please let the pastor know that is your preference.
Choir Rehearsal: Wednesday, April 18at 7 pm
Bible Study/Adult Ed: Thursday, April 19th at 10 am. We are returning to our study of the Book of Psalms. All are welcome, anytime.
Church Council Meeting today following worship! All are welcome to attend.
Thanks to everyone who purchased an Easter Lily to decorate the church. You are welcome to take yours home whenever you would like. You will find the remaining lilies in the kitchen.
Fair Trade Coffee, Tea, Hot Cocoa, and Olive Oil for sale by the Kitchen Service Window! If you have any requests for products, please see Lois Marshall!
Lenten Piggy Banks: It would be helpful if you could return your Piggy Banks to the church asap! Monies raised from that annual fundraiser will go to Lutheran World Hunger.
The Outreach Committee is collecting flannel and terrycloth(towel) scraps. Please speak with Lila W. or Lois M. for more information.
Have you ever watched the ushers on Sunday morning and thought to yourself ‘That doesn’t look too hard’ or considered volunteering to usher but knew you didn’t want to help at communion? Have you ever looked at the coffee hour treats and considered providing some, but you only like to eat Oreos? Or don’t want to deal with the coffee pots? There is a place for you!!! Please see Sandy K., Shelley C., Lila W., Bruce W., Diane J., or Karen C., for more information
Upcoming Events
April 15: Church Council Meeting following service
April 17: Outreach Project Day 9am-noon
April 22: Caring & Sharing Dinner(St. Paul/Grace, Alpena) at Aplex, doors open 11:30; dinner at 12:30 pm
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