June 3, 2013 Announcements
Prayer List: We are very happy to pray for your loved ones as long as needed, but please let the church office know if any names should be removed.
Gluten Free Wafers are available for communion. Please let the pastor know that is your preference.
The Stewardship Committee will meet briefly immediately after service today, for all who can attend. Agenda items include Memorial Garden update and the Outdoor Worship Service in July. Thank You!
For June, the Outreach Committee invites you to help stock the Little Free Food Pantry and Library! Canned pasta type products, fruit, mac and cheese, canned meat, and peanut butter seem to be most popular right now. Toilet paper, laundry soap, and other hygiene products always welcome. Put your donation on the Giving Table by the mailboxes
New Life is hosting a FREE Bleeding Control Basic Course, (BCON) Tuesday, June 12 at 6:30 pm. Learn how to identify life threatening bleeding and appropriate ways to control it. This course is designed for individuals who have little to no medical training but may find themselves in a situation to provide initial trauma care and bleeding control until EMS can arrive. MidMichigan Health Trauma Programs and Stop the Bleed Campaign are sponsoring the training. Sign up on the bulletin board by the kitchen door.
New Life at the Farm Market: On June 23, July 28, and August 28, New Life will set up a table at the ARA Farm Market in Lincoln. Time is 9:00-12:30. The Outreach Committee is coordinating the 3 events as a fundraiser and to bring awareness of our church to the area. Our table will include donations of crafts, baked goods, jams, preserved goods, and other items made by our church community. Two helpers are needed at the table for each event. A sign-up sheet will be available. Donations may be brought to the church on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays. Baked goods can be delivered directly to the market site by 8:30 a.m. on the Saturday or picked up by someone on our team. For more information please contact Lila at 989-727-3192, Carol at 989-727-3074, Lois at 989-736-6690 or
Lucia at 630-362-0726. Thank you for your participation in these events!
Upcoming Events
Wednesdays at 7 pm: Choir Rehearsal
Thursdays at 10 am: Bible Study/Adult Ed
June 3: TODAY!! Church Workday after worship
June 3: TODAY!! Stewardship Meeting after worship
June 10: Graduate Blessing &New Member Sunday
June 24: Bishop Satterlee will join us for worship
August 6-10: Vacation Bible School
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