Congratulations to our 2017/18 Graduates! Alex Stephenson, Jonathan Huggins, Luke Cordes, Jackie Mullen and Greg LaVigne.
Today, June 10th, the NEW LIFE TREE Template, Guidelines, and Engraving Forms are set up in the Narthex for your convenience. A member of the Stewardship Committee is available to assist you. The actual NEW LIFE TREE is located on the back wall of the Multipurpose Room and may be visited for engraving ideas used by other church family members who have already purchased “Memorial Leaves”. Thank You
Many thanks to all who were able to stay for the Church clean up and work day last week! Your help was greatly appreciated and a lot was done, even in spite of the rain!
New Life is hosting a FREE Bleeding Control Basic Course, (BCON) Tuesday, June 12 at 6:30 pm. Learn how to identify life threatening bleeding and appropriate ways to control it. This course is designed for individuals who have little to no medical training but may find themselves in a situation to provide initial trauma care and bleeding control until EMS can arrive. MidMichigan Health Trauma Programs and Stop the Bleed Campaign are sponsoring the training. Sign up on the bulletin board by the kitchen door.
New Life at the Farm Market: On June 23, July 28, and August 28, New Life will set up a table at the ARA Farm Market in Lincoln. Time is 9:00-12:30. The Outreach Committee is coordinating the 3 events as a fundraiser and to bring awareness of our church to the area. Our table will include donations of crafts, baked goods, jams, preserved goods, and other items made by our church community. Two helpers are needed at the table for each event. A sign-up sheet will be available. Donations may be brought to the church on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays. Baked goods can be delivered directly to the market site by 8:30 a.m. on the Saturday or picked up by someone on our team. For more information please contact Lila, Carol, Lois, or Lucia Thank you for your participation in these events!
Welcome to our New Members: Rich and Mary Gillies, Sherry MacNeill, Debbie Throop, Karen Pollet, and Scott, Lisa, Alex and Zach Stephenson!
Upcoming Events
Wednesdays at 7 pm: Choir Rehearsal
Thursdays at 10 am: Bible Study/Adult Ed
June 10: Graduate Blessing &New Member Sunday
June 10: Council Meeting
June 24: Bishop Satterlee will join us for worship
August 6-10: Vacation Bible School
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