Announcements for July 29, 2018

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Start looking for those school supply sales…The Outreach Committee is now collecting supplies for school kits and health kits. Lists of items can be found on the giving table

Please remember to tell Pr. Chrisy if you are having surgery, are hospitalized, ill, or simply want a visit.  The hospital will not contact her, and with new HIPPA regulation, there is no longer a patient list available to clergy.   In addition, with everyone’s busy schedules she may have stopped by your house, only to find no one home.

Don’t forget to take a look at the snacks list needed for VBS that can be found on the Supply Closet door.  If you would like to provide something, but don’t want to do the shopping, Sherry M.  is accepting monetary donations.

G.L.A.D.:  Creative people are needed to make six scenes/visuals/layouts for the 2019 Gazebo Lenten Artistic Display.  The works will be displayed on the church facing side of the gazebo.  Themes will be based on the Gospel Readings for the 2019 Sundays in Lent.  The maximum size is 4×8 feet, and the plywood for your display piece can be supplied.  To claim your reading or for more information, please see the poster on the bulletin board by the front doors, or speak with Bruce W.

New Life at the Farm Market:    One more left to go!  August 25, New Life will set up a table at the ARA Farm Market in Lincoln.  Time is 9:00-12:30.  Thank you for your generous support so far!  The Outreach Committee is coordinating the 1 more event as a fundraiser and to bring awareness of our church to the area.  Our table will include donations of crafts, baked goods, jams, preserved goods, and other items made by our church community. Donations may be brought to the church on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays.  Baked goods can be delivered directly to the market site by 8:30 a.m. on the Saturday or picked up by someone on our team. For more information please contact Lila, Carol W., Lois, or Lucia.  Thank you for your participation in these events!


Upcoming Events

Wednesdays at 7 pm:  Choir Rehearsal

Thursdays at 10 am:  Bible Study/Adult Ed

August 6-10:  Vacation Bible School

August 12:  Summer Sounds Concert @Spruce Pres. 2pm

August 19:  South Shore FD Pancake Breakfast 9am-12:30

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