Announcements for September 16, 2018

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New Life Lutheran Church Announcements

September 16, 2018

G.L.A.D.:  Creative people are needed to make six scenes/visuals/layouts for the 2019 Gazebo Lenten Artistic Display.  The works will be displayed on the church facing side of the gazebo.  Themes will be based on the Gospel Readings for the 2019 Sundays in Lent.  The maximum size is 4×8 feet, and the plywood for your display piece can be supplied.  To claim your reading or for more information, please see the poster on the bulletin board by the front doors, or speak with Bruce W.

It’s that time againtime to start thinking about the Christmas Bazaar/Frosty’s Festival of Gifts! Could you help by making, crafting, cooking, or baking something?  Do you need ideas?  Would you consider chairing or co-chairing the bazaar? Look for information about meetings, work bees and the like soon!

Gluten Free Wafers are available for communion.  Please let the pastor know that is your preference.

Lost/Found:  Did you lose a key recently?  What looks to be a house key was found in the basement after VBS.  It is taped to the bookshelves near the computer in the church office.

Lost Found:  Have you misplaced a pair of reading glasses?  They were found near the choir area, and are brown with sparkles near the lenses.  They will be on the shelf nearest the door of the nursery/library/old office with the rest of the loaner readers.

Another pair of glasses has been found!  Please check the Ziploc bag on the bulletin board by the kitchen if you are missing a pair.

Have you ever watched the ushers on Sunday morning and thought to yourself ‘That doesn’t look too hard’ or considered volunteering to usher but knew you didn’t want to help at communion?  Have you ever looked at the coffee hour treats and considered providing some, but you only like to eat Oreos?  Or don’t want to deal with the coffee pots?  There is a place for you!!!  Please see Sandy, Shelley, Lila, Bruce, Diane, or Karen , for more information.

Upcoming Events/Meetings

September 13:  Outreach Meeting, noon.

September 30:  Stewardship Meeting following Worship

October 21:  Annual Meeting following Worship


Wednesdays at 7 pm:  Choir Rehearsal

Thursdays at 10 am:  Bible Study/Adult Ed

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