Announcements for 9-15-19

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All are welcome at the Lord’s Table for Communion!

Both wine(dark red) and grape juice(gold)are available to intinct(dip)your communion wafer in.  Gluten free communion wafers are also available.  Please let the pastor know that is what you would like. If you would like a blessing, please indicate that to the pastor by simply asking or with your hands folded as if you were in prayer.  If you have any questions, please feel free to ask Pastor Chrisy.

The Outreach Committee is collecting mittens for Elementary School Children for the month of September.  They may be knitted, crocheted, sewn or store purchased.  Thank you for helping keep hands warm this coming winter season!!

Please remember to tell Pr. Chrisy if you are having surgery, are hospitalized, ill, or simply want a visit.  The hospital will not contact her (even though they ask about your having a pastor/church), and with everyone’s busy schedules she may have stopped by your house, only to find no one home. 

Do you have a particular book of the Bible or question about being part of a church you would like to learn more about?  As the Adult Ed/Bible Study group wraps up its current book Inspired by Rachel Held Evans, we welcome suggestions for our next topic, and we would love to have you join us!!!  Let Pr. Chrisy or another group member know!

The Outreach Committee thanks you for your continued donations to the Little Free Food Pantry and Library.  Please feel free to continue to place donations in the pantry or on the kitchen.

Name Tags: Please remember to wear your name tags.  Many of us have a harder time remembering names than we used to! If you are in need of a name tag, please leave that information on the Church Secretary’s Desk.

Do you have anything you would like in the printed announcements?  Please email any items to by 9 am on Thursdays.

Upcoming Events/Meetings

September 12 at 7 pm:  Choir Practice

September 19 at 10 am: Adult Ed/Bible Study

October 20:  Annual Meeting

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