August 27     Pr. Tom Mammoser

Sept. 3            Pr. Bruce Weber

Sept. 10          Pr. Bob Case

Sept. 17          Pr. Dan Stoneback

Sept. 24          Pr. Julie Winklepleck

Oct. 1              Pr. Bruce Weber

Oct. 8                   Pr. Bob Case

Oct. 15            Pr. Dan Stoneback

Oct. 22            Pr. Connie Sassanella

Oct. 29            Pr. Connie Sassanella

Nov. 5             Pr. Bruce Weber

Nov. 12           Pr. Bob Case

Nov. 19           Pr. Dan Stoneback

Nov. 26           Pr. Connie Sassanella

Dec. 3              Bishop Satterlee

Dec. 10           Pr. Bob Case

Dec. 17           Pr. Dan Stoneback

Dec. 24           TBD  Christmas Eve Service only

Dec. 31           TBD  New Year’s Eve Day

Please note:  If you or anyone you know is in need of Pastoral Care or would like a visit or communion, please contact the Church Office at 989-736-7816.  Please leave a message as the answering machine is checked often.

You may also email the church directly at

The Outreach Committee will continue to collect items for School and Health Kits for  
Lutheran World Relief 

Good Ol’ Fashioned Pot Luck Lunch!!

Sunday, September 17, following Worship.

Please feel free to bring your favorite dish to pass, as well as your place setting.  Beverages will be provided.  Great time to spend with friends and other congregation members!!  See you there!

From the Church Council:

Ministry Site Profile (MSP)

You will soon be receiving (if you haven’t already) an MSP Survey in the mail.  Your input is important.  Please take a few minutes to fill out the survey and return it using the addressed, stamped envelope that is provided. 

Thank You!