Announcements May 14,2017

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Council Meeting:  Wednesday, May 17th at 5 pm!!  Dinner provided

Choir Rehearsal: NO choir practice on Wednesday, May 17th.

Bible Study/Adult Ed:  10 am on Thursday, May 18th.  All are welcome, anytime!

Giving Table Collection:  We are now collecting nonperishable food items such as canned fruits and veggies, canned soup, canned tuna/chicken, boxed mac and cheese, etc for the Little Free Food Panty.  Please place items on the table by the mailboxes.

If anyone has a power post hole digger that you would be willing to let us borrow for church clean-up day to help put up our new little free food pantry/little library that would be very much appreciated.  Please let Lucia Behmer know asap

Book Club:  May 17th at noon.  Marion Dunckel is hosting.  Husbands and friends are welcome.  Elbridge will be leading the discussion of Hillbilly Elegy by JD Vance.  Please call Marion at 736-7816 to let her know if you are coming.

Suggested Prices for food items for the Bazaar are on the insert in your bulletin.  Please do your best to price items before bringing them to church.  Freezers will be arriving this upcoming week!


Save the Date!

Saturday, May 21, 10:30 am!!! Church Clean-Up/Work Day!!  Inside and outside projects:  Organizing the pantry, dusting, window washing, yard work, placement of little food pantry, adding mulch, etc.  Please bring rakes, shovels, squeegees, work gloves, etc.

Saturday May 27:  Spring Bazaar/Garden Festival!!

August 7-11:  Vacation Bible School!!

September 9:  God’s Work, Our Hands Day, partnering with Habitat for Humanity


Please have any items you would like mentioned in the announcements in to the church office by 8 am Thursday.  Please email them to  Thank you.

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