Announcements for June 11, 2017

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Choir Rehearsal: Choir practice on Wednesday, June 14th at 7 pm.  New voices always welcome

Bible Study/Adult Ed:  10 am on Thursday, June 15th)  All are welcome, anytime!

Giving Table Collection:  We are now collecting nonperishable food items such as canned fruits and veggies, canned soup, canned tuna/chicken, etc for the Little Free Food Panty.  There are reports of bears in the area, so canned foods are best for the time being. Please place items on the table by the mailboxes.

New Life Lutheran Friends,   Thank you for the prayers, get well cards, calls, gifts and thoughts for me during my aortic valve replacement surgery recently!  I was blessed with excellent care and much support!  I seem to be recuperating well.  -Clarence Kindt

Please note the following meeting change:  Council Meetings are shifting to the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 5:30 pm for the foreseeable future.

Thanks to everyone who helped make the Garden Festival/Spring Bazaar a success!  After expenses, we made approximately $3600 in profits which were divided between the Capital Improvement/Building Fund(50%); the Reserve Fund(38%), and the Outreach Committee(12%)

Please consider signing up for Sunday morning leadership positions!  The Worship Committee would be happy to walk you through what is needed as an usher, lector/reader, or coffee hour host.  Please speak with Sandy Kindt, Shelley Chamberlain, Lila Will, Carol Gamelin, Diane Jahnke, Pr. Chrisy or anyone whom you see ushering, reading, or hosting.

If you are interested in leading Sunday School, please speak with Diane Jahnke.

Save the Date!

August 7-11:  Vacation Bible School!!

September 9:  God’s Work, Our Hands Day, partnering with Habitat for Humanity


Please have any items you would like mentioned in the announcements in to the church office by 8 am Thursday.  Please email them to  Thank you.

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