Announcements for July 30, 2017

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Announcements for July 30, 2017

Welcome to New Life Lutheran!  All are welcome at the Lord’s Table.  Our Communion practice is intinction.  What that means is that you will be given a wafer of bread and then have the opportunity to dip that wafer into either wine or grape juice.  The wine is dark purple/red and the grape juice is white/yellow.  You are invited to use whichever you wish.  You are also welcome to come forward and receive a blessing.  Please indicate that to the Pastor with your hands folded as if you were in prayer when you approach.

Gluten Free Wafers are available for communion.  Please let Pr. Clapp know that is your preference.

Choir Rehearsal: Wednesday, August 2nd at 7 pm!

Bible Study/Adult Ed:  10 am on Thursday, August 3rd.    All are welcome, anytime!  We are starting a study of the Book of Psalms

Giving Table Collection:  It’s School Supply collection time again…Please consider donating things like paper, pencils, crayons, etc.  Specifics on the handouts at the giving table!

Congratulations to the Will and Somers familes on the birth of Jenna Louise!  Mom: Paige Will, Dad: Chris Somers, Siblings: Cuyler and Lila, Grandma: Lila Will and all are thrilled, doing well, and thankful for all of New Life’s love, prayers and support!

Last Sunday, there was a very generous outpouring of support for VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL kitchen helpers and donation of snacks which we are very thankful for, but there is still a need for both.  Please consider helping with either one or both of these needs.  Sign Up sheets are posted in the back of the church.  Questions may be directed to Carolyn Maas at 736-6195. Thank you.

Signup sheets for Sunday morning opportunities to serve the Lord are located above the drinking fountain near the main entrance. Please prayerfully consider.

Pastor Chrisy will be on vacation Thursday afternoon July 27 through Monday, July 31.  Pastor Richard Clapp(464-3183) will preach and lead worship on the July 30 and Pastor Laraine Sundin(464-4925) will be providing emergency pastoral care coverage.


Save the Date!

August 7-11:  Vacation Bible School!!

August 20:  Outdoor Service

September 9:  God’s Work, Our Hands Day, partnering with Habitat for Humanity

Please have any items you would like mentioned in the announcements in to the church office by 8 am Thursday.  Please email them to  Thank you.

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