Announcements for 02/03/19

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Gluten Free Wafers are available for communion.  Please let the pastor know that is your preference.

The Outreach Committee is once again accepting donations of plastic grocery bags to be made into “plarn” (plastic yarn) which will then be turned into mats for homeless individuals.  Please look for the box labeled “plarn” in the multi use room or speak with Lila Will for more information.

There is one Gazebo Lenten Artistic Display panel that still has opportunities to get creatively involves.  Please speak with Bruce Weber.

A reminder that if Alcona Schools are closed due to weather/road conditions, all events here at church are canceled as well.

Have you ever watched the ushers on Sunday morning and thought to yourself ‘That doesn’t look too hard’ or considered volunteering to usher but knew you didn’t want to help at communion?  Have you ever looked at the coffee hour treats and considered providing some, but you only like to eat Oreos?  Or don’t want to deal with the coffee pots?  There is a place for you!!!  Please see Sandy K., Shelley C., Lila W., Bruce W., Diane J., or Karen C., for more information.

Books: Free to a good home!  Please take a look at the books on the table in the multi use room.  If they are of any interest, please feel free to take them home. Any books left on February 10 will be donated elsewhere or recycled.  

Please remember to tell Pr. Chrisy if you are having surgery, are hospitalized, ill, or simply want a visit.  The hospital will not contact her, and with everyone’s busy schedules she may have stopped by your house, only to find no one home.

Please send announcements to or leave a note in the church office by Thursday at 9 am to be included in the weekly bulletin.  Thanks!!

Upcoming Events/Meetings

Sunday, February 10:  Council Installation

Wednesdays at 7 pm:  Choir Rehearsal

Thursdays at 10 am:  Bible Study/Adult Ed

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