July 23, 2023 Announcements

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Please pray for Our Congregation, Our Community and the World at Large

Please email the Church Office with any new Prayer Requests- newlifeluth@gmail.com.

We are honored to pray for your loved ones and friends for as long as necessary.  Please keep the office up to date on the status of your prayer requests.

All are welcome at the Lord’s Table for Holy Communion.  We have both wine and grape juice.  The wine is red in color and the juice is gold.  Gluten free wafers are available, just ask.

                            IT’S ABOUT JESUS                                                    What is your favorite Bible story or one that speaks to you in a given situation?  And Why

Choir Rehearsal: Choir Rehearsal will be Wednesdays at 7:00pm

Prayer for and of the members of New Life            Loving God, be with us and guide us during this time of discernment.  Fill our leaders with your wisdom.  Keep us mindful of the work you would have us do.  Lead us and guide us O Lord to be about the work of your kingdom even as the search for a new pastor continues.  Bless all who have taken on extra responsibility, and fill them with a sense of your love and presence.  Guide those who are discerning their calls in ministry and put a “fire in their bellies” that one may be led to New Life.  We pray in your Son’s name, Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO  Jenna Somers July 24th,

Jeff Haneckow July 27th, Tom Marshall July 28th,

Iris Robb July 29th

If we have missed your birthday, or have listed the wrong date please contact us at  newlifeluth@gmail.com with any changes.

Bible Study: Please join us for Bible Study Thursday’s at 10:00am, all are welcome to attend.

Sewing Circle: Sewing Tuesday’s at 12 noon, feel free to bring a bag lunch! We look forward to having you join us! No Sewing experience is necessary; lots of hands are needed to complete each quilt!

Thank you everyone for your continued offerings to help support the work of the church.

VBS: Mark your Calendars for Family Friendly VBS July31s-Aug 3rd! 5:30pm-approximately 8:00pm! 

Be sure to let pass the information along to your friends and families!  Lois Marshall-Tracy LeSage

August Newsletter: Please have any item you would like printed in the August Newsletter emailed to denisepalmer56@gmail.com by July 24th-Monday

It’s time for a new Pictorial Directory-You can sign up today! Our dates of photography are July 25th and July 26thCarolyn Maas will be waiting to assist you in signing up today July 23-this is our last Sunday for signup.  Just for participating you will receive a complimentary 8 x 10 portrait, and a church directory.  This opportunity is not limited to congregation members, so be sure to let your families and friends know that they are welcome to have their photos taken!.

Thank you Deacon Deno  Sorrells for leading us in Worship this morning.

Please have announcements in to the office by 8 am on Wednesday. Email them to newlifeluth@gmail.com or call 989-736-7816.

In Person Worship and Live Stream                    

 Schedule (YT is YouTube)

Sunday, July 223rd: YT/In person Worship 9:30 am

Sunday, July 30th:  YT/In person Worship 9:30 am

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